Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sup World~!

Guess what I'm doing tonight? Multi-tasking! I'm fanficking, blogging AND twittering at the same time!!! Isn't it amazing? (Oh, and you can count listening to music too if you want) This is just a surprise because I am NOT very good at multitasking. Oh well. It's just like not being double--jointed like everyone else, but I'll live. Anyway, I'm having sloppy joes tonight! I'm so excited! I haven't had them in forever! Seriously, the last time I had a sloppy joe was in the 6th grade in the school cafeteria (the food wasn't disgusting there, thank god) I'm so happy~! It was a good day, honestly, but especially because for once Hannah (my good friend) got to stay for school today!

EDIT: I'm now emailing too!

Well, that's all for now, bye bye everyone~
hopefully I'll have more to write tomorrow or whenever!