Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Just watched American Idol...

...and I loved it!


(yeah...I know he's gay...but like I said, I lurve gay guys!! ♥)

And I wish this dude would back off...I hate him already:

"8:22 pm - His arrangement is a disaster. The chorus is a thrash-metal stomp, the verses are a double-time musical number. I really hated that."

But a minute later...

"8:23 pm - But I’m the only one. The crowd is going wild. And Paula has whipped out a bunch of crazy. “You dare to dance in the path of greatness!” “Fortune rewards the brave!” She clearly had Chinese Food and is just reading fortunes from fortune cookies during performances."

YEAH! Show's him what good music really is! HA. HA. HA HA.

And wth did Ryan mean by this????:

"8:25 pm - Seacrest just told Adam to 'come out…of his shell.' You’re so fresh, Ryan!"

...what's in store for the shell? xDDDD

Alright, I'm totally bored, so I'm ending this, and btw, for the first time ever I liked Kris Allen's performance, and Allison blew me away tonight. She gets second place for me.

Done. Bye. Love ya! Vote for Adam! :)

Credit: MTV Newsroom