Thursday, April 30, 2009

Only view if you want to

Maybe Saturday I will do a REAL post...sorry guys...

? Crush test ?
you will get kissed by the love of your life on a Saturday, tomorrow will be the best day of your life but you have to repost this, if you repost this in 2 songs you will die in two hours, but if you repost this to 5 songs it will truly be the best day of your life, when you're done, push f6 on your keyboard and the love of your life will appear in big letters...its scary but it works? CRUSH TEST ?


**************PAPER AND A


**************NUMBER IT: 1 -

**********PICK THE BEST

************AND WRITE THE


**************HERE'S THE TEST.!

1. Pick your favorite color out of the

A. Red

B. Pink

C. Yellow

D. Green

E. Blue

F. Purple

2. Pick your favorite animal out of
the following:

A. Cat

B. Dog

C. Fish

D. Snake

E. Parrot

F. Mouse

3. Pick your desired honeymoon spot:

A. Hawaii

B. New York

C. East Africa

D. Spain

E. Montana

4. Pick your favorite instrument:

A. Violin

B. Piano

C. Electric Guitar

D. Drums

5. Pick your favorite soft drink:

A. Dr. Pepper

B. Sprite

C. Coca Cola

D. Pepsi

E. Mountain Dew

6. Name A Person Of The Opposite Sex...

7. Name A Person Of The Same Sex...

8. The Time Now...

9. Your Age

10. You don't have to write it down,
but make a WISH make sure its what you
really want.

...and then scroll down! (now go down,
and you will see the answers!!!)









































Question number ONE:

A. Red - Adventerous

B.. Pink - Fun

C. Yellow - Sweet

D. Green - Wacky

E. Blue - Romantic

F. Purple - Mysterious

Question number TWO:

A. Cat - Feminine

B. Dog - Loving

C. Fish - Boring

D. Snake - Boyish

E. Parrot - Annoying

F. Mouse - Brainy

Question number THREE:

A. Hawaii - Romantic

B. New York - Busy

C. East Africa - Curious

D. Spain - Mysterious

E. Montana - Country Girl/Boy

Question number FOUR:

A. Violin - Intellectual

B. Piano - Popular

C. Electric Guitar - Wacky

D. Drums - Wild

Question number FIVE:

A. Dr. Pepper - Popular

B. Sprite - Wacky

C. Coca Cola - Wild

D. Pepsi - Fun

E. Mountain Dew - Athletic

Question number SIX:

That person will have a crush on you
after you

repost this!

Question number SEVEN:

That person will become your enemy if
you don't

repost this!

Question number EIGHT:

How many hours long you have to repost

Question number NINE:

How many months that you and the
person in number 6 will go out! if you
repost this..or longer

Question number TEN:

That will come true if you repost this
in the amount

of time (question) number 8 says!